
Samsung Testing Android 7.0 Nougat On Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge

The current LG flagship, V20 was the first device to land in the market running Android 7.0 Nougat. While it may have been the first device, rival companies are not to be left behind. News is that Korean smartphone manufacturing giant Samsung is working to bring the latest version of Android two two of its high-end devices: the Galaxy S7 and the Galaxy S7 Edge.

Screenshots from popular benchmarking website Geekbench have surfaces that show the S7 and the S7 Edge testing Android 7.0 Nougat.

While these are just screenshots and the OTA updates could take long, this shows that the work in in progress. If the S6 is to be taken as an example, both the S& and S7 Edge will receive the update together. The Note7 will follow. However, the update for Note7 could take considerably longer as Samsung has already said that incorporating the Note7’s features with Nougat could take time.


Just a monkey writing a race horse. Also, i write tech news and tutorials.

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