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Android Leads Smartphone Race: 79.3 % Market Share

The IDC has released it’s 2013 second quarter market shares, and the report reveals out how almost Android has a huge part of the industry. Android, which is positioned first with almost 80 % of the market shares, then comes in Apple with about 13.2 and then comes Windows with 3.7 % market share. IDC, however warned that Android should be on the tracks, and if not followed can make some serious consequences with Apple taking the pie.


According to the figures released by IDC, the global number of smartphone shipments have gone up 51.3% from 156.2 million units in Q2 2012 to 236.4 million in Q2 2013. Android platform has indeed been one of the most golden stage of development, with players like LG, Samsung , HTC and many more to be named in. However in the Android platform, the pack is once again leaded by Samsung followed by LG and so on.

Although Apple’s share in the markets have fallen drastically, it may be recalled that it was so because of no new device launch after iPhone 5 back last year. So we may see a boost in the shares if the rumored iPhone 5S and the new Apple platform, most probably iOS 8 which will  certainly make a change in the position of the company.

Via: SlashGear

Sayantan Mahato

Normal person needs Air,Water and Food but my requirements are Android,Android & Android. Die-hard Android lover, loves playing with his Gizmos and tweaking it.

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