Categories: AndroidMobiles

Asus PadFone Back On Laptop Mode

Laptop docks for smartphones and large smartphones have been around for quite some time now with Motorola Atrix starting the trend. Though the Atrix was not that of a seller in the market, Asus soon followed the trend with their PadFone which was a phone-cum-tablet-cum-laptop.

Though Asus had discontinued with the laptop feature in its PadFone, it seems they have again decided to bring this feature back to their PadFones. If leaks are to be believed, Asus’s upcoming “Mobile Dock Keyboard” will help Asus get back in the all-in-one-device game.

The dock uses Bluetooth connectivity to connect to mobile device. Though the upcoming mobile dock will lack an extended battery, it will sport a 450 mAh battery pack which will be used to run the Bluetooth radio and the trackpad. The device also lacks an external memory slot and the ability to charge the phone from the dock’s battery.


Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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Tags: AsusPadfone