Categories: AppsGoogleNews

Google Maps location list building feature now available on desktop

Google Maps will now allows desktop users to create lists of places and share them on social media. The list creation feature launched in August 2016 as a test beta for Local Guides. Then it made its way to Android and iOS as a stable function in early 2017. However, now desktop users can also make these lists on their PC.

To use the feature, users first find their place, then save the spot with a “Save” icon in the left panel. Users can make new lists or add locations to already new ones. After a successful addition, users will see a confirmation saying, “Saved to Favorites”.

Users will also be able to see saved locations in “Your Places” which is also in the left panel. The sharing link can be procured from there. Also, these lists can be private, shared, or public as the user sets it so.

The new feature is part of a phased rollout to Google Maps and will arrive in the next few weeks. If you are interested in new beta features, you can try them out by becoming a Local Guide on Google Maps. However, what you get will depend on your level which is based on your activity and contribution as a guide.

Source: Local Guides Connect

Abdul Qayyum

Hi, I am A. Qayyum. My fascination with new gadgets is older than I can remember. It is also the driving force for me as an Android Tech Blogger. Other obsessions include Italian Pizzas and Clash of Clans.

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