Categories: AndroidApps

Voice Messages – A Priority in the Whatsapp Update

The most widely used internet messenger is rolling out an major update of their app for various platforms. And in the update the priority is being set on the Voice messaging feature. The company decided to include the voice messaging feature like many other  messenger apps feature this service, so they had to  include it to remain in perk.

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Well looking more closely, the voice messaging feature is not new, as the functionality to do so was always available. Now you’ve got a dedicated button when you have not typed anything in the message field. You tap and hold the button and your message will start recording . There are also many gestures,  like to cancel the recording right away there, you could do that simply swiping to the left.

Previously you had to click on the attachment button and then choose the audio button to send a voice message, but now the functionality gets better as it is included in the main screen right away when you’re aren’t typing.


Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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