
Google will replace APKs by Android App Bundles for both Google TV and Android TV!

Google has been undergoing a massive transformation from APKs to Android App bundles. It was initially announced at Google I/O 2018 to replace Android Package Kits (APKs), the standard publishing format in Play Store. One of the reasons behind this was to address the storage issue. By May 2023, the apps for Google TV and Android TV will require Android App Bundles. Google has also improved the experience for Android TVs. These TVs support over 10,000 apps. However, not much has been improved regarding TV hardware over the years.

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It still comes with a storage of 8GB, while most phones today offer 64/128GB as base storage. The lack of storage urges many people to end up with fewer apps. Google says there is more than enough time for developers to switch to Android App bundles. In standard cases, it will take only three days to port, while Google offers a 6-month time. Switching from APKs to Android App Bundles will help the users to tackle the storage issue.

More about Android App Bundles!

The Android App Bundles will have only 20% size of its counterpart APK. App Bundles also provide users with options to archive, leading to fewer uninstallations. The Android App Bundles apply to all devices running on the Android platform. It will also allow Play Store to dynamically serve an optimized app for each device configuration based on the app’s code & resources.

Basith Rahman PP

Basith is a CA student who is also a tech evangelist and an auto lover who works with and talks about latest news in tech and auto industry. Apart from this, Basith is a traveller, foodie and a movie buff.

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