
Google Calculator receives its first post Material You design update

Google has updated all of its apps with the Android 12 based Material You theme. The theme provides a new and modern look to platforms and widgets by making them sleeker. While the other apps are done grabbing the overhaul, the Google Calculator app seems to get something extra.

Make sure to visit: Best Calculator Android Apps on Play Store

The update can be identified by the Google Calculator v8.1. On top of the new style and color theme, the latest version adds a new animation. On top, it gets a haptic element as well, making it more engaging, tactile, and appealing.

While the Material You update added wider style circular buttons, the new version makes it switch when in use. Whenever pressed, the buttons morph into squares with rounded edges. When released, they return back to their circular shape. Moreover, the Calculator gets haptic feedback on every tap as mentioned earlier.

Additionally, the app now provides more advanced function keys in a drop-down menu. In a nutshell, Google Calculator v8.1 will serve all the functions of any advanced calculator in a nicer and more engaging way.

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Shivani Sharma

"Do anything, but let it produce joy" Tech freak, Android enthusiast, and a wanderer.

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