
Google to unveil “Google Assistant” for IOS users in the US

Google Assistant has been one of the most trending topics since the last weeks. Google has been coming up with various new updates for Google Assistant like more languages to speak to Assistant in it’s Allo app.

But the thing is that currently it’s only for Android users. And IOS users are actually missing and eager to have it on their smartphone too. As Google Allo is really awesome and the Google Assistant is even more which acts like your virtual assistant who will remember your preferences in seconds and answer your query is seconds.

But here is the recent update about Google Assistant update. Yes, it’s positive for IOS users. Well, there are chances that Google is going to launch the Assistant for IOS users too at the I/O conference this week.

So yes, something IOS users can be really happy about. Well, we can say this because recently the SDK of assistant was made available for developers. But there is one catch here, for now the Google Assistant will be available for IOS users in America only.

Well, apart from this we don’t know anything else. For now, we can say is that Assistant will be available for IOS users in America. We can still take it as a rumour and wait for Google’s official announcement.

Manjyot Singh

As a Technology enthusiast, not only likes using gadgets but also loves to write and review about them. Have always been a fan of latest gadgets and smartphones with latest features.

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