AT&T is rolling out new update to the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus. Both the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus devices have updated the software veresion to builds G950USQU1AQEF and G955USQU1AQEF.
The update packs various new features and enhancements. The major change is the update for Bixby along with various user interface changes. AT&T has also provided the fix for the SD card Sync and file transfer issues.
Now the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus devices that are clocked with the AT&T have also received the May 1sst Security patch in the latest update. There are some other stability improvements and messaging enhancements along with the other things.
The update of both weighs in around 375 MB, we suggest you to switch to wifi network to download the update. Also, charge u your device to more than 60% to install the update without any issue.
How many of you have already received the update?
Just received the update today. On AT&T with an S8.