Galaxy Gear Available For Pre-Order in UK

The very famous Clove, The UK Retailer has started up with the Pre-Order of the recently released and presently Hyped the Galaxy Gear. The Galaxy Gear will set you back at £235 without including VAT and off course the delivery charges.


The Device is only compatible with the Galaxy Note 3 and the Galaxy Note 10.3 for now. For this reason the price of the device will be a bit steep.

We are Actually expecting a offer with the purchase of Galaxy Note 3 and the Galaxy Note 10.1, they will provide us with a free Galaxy Gear Wearable Flexible Smart Watch.  As the Present offer on the Sony Smartwatch is with he Sony Xperia Z1 aka Honami. Off course devices like the Galaxy gear an the Sony smart watch can never survive on their own. There has be a power up.

You can Get the Galaxy Gear on Pre order from Clove here !

Umpreet Singh
Umpreet Singh
A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.


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