So far, Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ users(except users in U.S and South Korea) were unable to access one of the prime selling point of the flagship, i.e Bixby Voice in action. But, today onwards it wont be the state, though. All hints by the Samsung side points out the Global launch of Bixby Voice to happen on August 22, 2017. A day before the exclusive launch of Galaxy Note 8.

The launch date was confirmed by Samsung through its posts on various social networking website such as Facebook and Twitter.
Already, couple of weeks ago, certain reliable sources rumored the chance of Samsung being busy in final preparation of the Bixby Voice worldwide launch. Side-loading of Bixby related appications, plug-ins and updation of Bixby, Bixby PLM, Bixby Wakeup, Bixby Dictation and Bixby Global Action applications in certain markets strengthened the credibility of rumor.
To your info, Bixby Voice – was initially available only in South Korea. And later in U.S, after cracking English language capability by the virtual assisstant, Bixby. Now onwards, it would be available in almost every Galaxy S8/S8+ sold, So far.
If once rolled out, it could rejoice the loyal Galaxy S8/S8+ users, who never leaved Samsung in its hardship days. Also, analysts thinks, it could impart a possible positive effect on sale of the upcoming Galaxy Note 8, to be announced tomorrow.
We have heard from some of the reliable sources that, Samsung has now pulled the server side button for initiating the Bixby Voice Global launch. So, any Galaxy S8/S8+ users can activate the voice functionality by either:
- Pressing the dedicated Bixby side button or,
- Swiping across the home screen to Bixby and following the prompts
- Once installed and activated, say “Hello Bixby”. This time your Bixby gonna respond you.