A Long time ago Google has first released its Google Pay service back in 2011. It has helped an uncountable amount of persons in making payments for various purchases. Google has today officially announced that they have started the rollout of new features including Google Pay on desktops and iOS platform through the web. So if you are the one who makes use of Google Pay on daily basis then this write-up may help you.
Google Pay for iPhone, iPad, and Desktops will appear as you will reach the supported website, regardless of browser or device you are using. With the latest update “Buy with Google Pay” button is rolling out for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox no matter what device you are using. Saved cards in Google Pay will appear whenever you make payments through a different platform as well. As suggested by Google suppose you have saved cards on a Pixelbook device then later you can make payment using a distinct device like iPhone as well.
Once a person adds a card to Google Pay, there is no need to add this information again and again even if he/she is accessing it the through the website. Additionally for Android users that Pay app can save money and time both. The Android application of Google Pay gives you amazing offers that you won’t be able to miss. We are in 2018 and if you forget your wallet at home then there is nothing to worry as Google Pay lets you pay for your grocery, food and what not. For more Tech updates stay tuned to GoAndroid.