Amid the ongoing leaks and rumors, both the Realme C33 (128GB) and Realme C55 smartphones surfaced on TDRA. The listings are just a confirmation for the upcoming launch of Realme C55 on March 7. However, the Realme C33 is also expected to unveil in India, Indonesia, and several other countries. Just a few minutes ago, the Realme C55 is listed on Realme Indonesia’s online store, unveiling all the specifications, pricing, and other details.
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The TDRA listing confirms the launch of both devices in the UAE market too.
Realme C55 Specifications
As far as the specifications are concerned, the Realme C55 comes with Helio G88 SoC and features 6GB/128GB and 8GB/256 GB internal storage options. The smartphone bundles a microSD card slot that offers up to 1TB of expandable storage. There’s a 6.72-inch Full HD+ display with a 90Hz refresh rate and 680 nits brightness.
In the camera department, the smartphone bundles an 8MP selfie camera which is camouflaged inside Mini Capsule – UI like Apple’s Dynamic Island setup. On the rear side, there’s a dual-rear camera setup with 64MP primary sensor.
Realme C55 offers a 5000 mAh battery with 33W fast charging. Further, it houses a side-mounted fingerprint sensor, USB-C, and a 3.5mm audio jack. There’s also NFC, Bluetooth, and dual-band WiFi.
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Realme C33 128GB details will remain the same and is expected to launch alongside the Realme C55. However, Realme C55 coming to Indonesia by Tuesday, and the India launch is also happening soon.