Three months ago, Sony introduced Xperia XZ Premium and Xperia XZ Android smartphones with Motion Eye camera. One of the special characteristic of Sony’s Motion Eye camera sensor is that it is first mobile camera sensor with on-chip memory as like three layered camera. Now according to various rumors from South Korea, Samsung Semiconductors is also planning to build similar camera for upcoming next generation Galaxy S and Note devices.
If you remember, Sony Xperia XZ Premium, Xperia XZ and recently unveiled XZ1 and XZ1 Compact can shoot whopping 960 fps super slow motion videos because of camera sensor with on-chip memory. Because of such advanced camera sensor, many frames are stored on the memory chip that is present only for camera. Storing frames to the main RAM is slower than storing on dedicated memory chip. To achieve 960 fps video recording, Sony built a chip with three layers – pixels, control logic and memory.
Did you know?
“Korean Samsung Galaxy S8 phones use Sony made camera sensors while US version of Galaxy S8 devices use Samsung made camera sensor.”
Reportedly, Samsung’s design will use traditional two layers approach to avoid infringing certain patents. If you are wondering what is the use of 960 fps super slow motion video, you can check out below video where magician’s secrets revealed by Sony’s Motion Eye camera.