
You can now book Spa and Salon services over Google Maps

Google maps have always been very useful, whether you want to find a way or study the map of a country, it is helpful. Any help you need whether its directions or check your location is easy with Google Maps.

But apart from that now you guys can also use Google Maps for other purposes like booking spa. Though earlier you could only book for fitness classes like Yoga.
But disappointment for those who stay outside US. As for now this service is only available for US people.

Well, guys nothing to worry you can also book spas as well as salon services through Google Maps soon. As Google has always made its services available in most of the countries.

Well, for those who are busy enough to get appointments for spa or salon can just search the service on the maps. Then you need to select the one you want to visit and yes, then just click the books button. Next you need to select the time as well as add up some personal information. Woah! Your booking is done.

Google has said, that it will add even more features in the coming time. Let’s wait till then.

Manjyot Singh

As a Technology enthusiast, not only likes using gadgets but also loves to write and review about them. Have always been a fan of latest gadgets and smartphones with latest features.

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