Huawei is rolling a much-needed update to the Honor 8 in the US region. Many users had been complaining of a bug in the UI while using Google Assistant or Camera and Voice Recorder apps whereby a ‘Microphone is already in use’ message used to be displayed. The latest update fixes the bug.
The update now currently live will appear the build designation FRD-L14C567B385 and is based on Android Nougat. It is a big update at 815MB. The update also brings the regular security patch as well as the system level improvements.
Before updating, keep your phone charged well, and verify that you have enough storage space and that you have a stable WiFi connection. To look for the update manually, head on to Settings >Â About > Software updates.
We Recommends you to download the update on Wifi network.Before installing it on your phone, charge your phone up to 50% atleast.
When will be getting the update for the on the honor 8 in the UK as I get the same message
The new update won’t allow my keyboard to Launch in my messages any suggestions?