Earlier in October 2022, OnePlus started pushing the stable OxygenOS 12 update for OnePlus 7 and 7T series. It includes OnePlus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7T and OnePlus 7T Pro. Later in the same month, the brand rolled out another update by fixing many critical bugs of the OnePlus 7 and 7T series. After a couple of months, OnePlus rolled out the OxygenOS 12.1 F.18 update for smartphones. Several OnePlus 7 / 7T series users in the OnePlus community confirm the receipt of the update on their devices. The update is live in India, and other users will get the update in the following weeks.
The update comes with the firmware version GM1901_11_H.32 for OnePlus 7 and GM1911_11_H.32 for OnePlus 7 Pro. In contrast, the OnePlus 7T has firmware versions HD1901_11_F.18 and HD1911_11_F.18 for OnePlus 7T Pro. OnePlus brings the December 2022 security patch to smartphones. The update also improves the stability and performance of the devices. OnePlus also enhances the performance of mobile phone connections. It is rolling out as an Over the Air (OTA) update and may take some time to reach your units. OnePlus users can manually check the updates by navigating to Settings > System > System Updates.