It’s something that we can’t take easily. The company who was focused on replicating Google’s Open source Operating System is now going to shutdown its operations. Well, it is true, company has wrote this in their blog.
Cyanogen, has written a short note for the announcement of the news. The all source code and development of CyanogenMod will solely depend on the individual developers. If they want to continue the development on any project they can own their own.
All other CyanogenMod source code will also remain available. Herea re the aactual words about what they have written in their blogsost:
As part of the ongoing consolidation of Cyanogen, all services and Cyanogen-supported nightly builds will be discontinued no later than 12/31/16. The open source project and source code will remain available for anyone who wants to build CyanogenMod personally.
Cyanogen launched its first release, version 3.1, on July 1st 2009. Over 50 million people run CyanogenMod on their handset. As the company winds down, it has been offering CM14.1, based on Android 7.1.
The company’s future allegedly lies in building add-ons for Android instead of replacing Google’s open source OS.
More details are waited about Cyanogen Future. Stay Connected with us we will let you know.
It seems all mobile-related firms that made deals with Microsoft are now folding.
First Nokia, now Cyanogen. Wonder what’s going to happen to Wunderlist.