A long ago Google has first announced their Chromecast devices and truly it was one of the best we have seen from the house of Google. It has the potential to put life in your old television, using it one can stream online material even on an age-old television system. Now some new details are coming about the next generation of the Chromecast. The new gadget will offer more refined and straightforward experience. Let’s check out some in-depth information about it.
Google Chromecast FCC Filing
Google has recently filed a request with the FCC to certify the all-new second-generation Chromecast. The internals is exactly the same, however, the new device supports Bluetooth. Currently, we don’t know that for what this Bluetooth may come into use. New Chromecast carries the same model number whereas FCC ID is a little different from the old Chromecast device. Even though the upcoming Chromecast possesses the same specifications but as per some sources the existing Chromecast device will not get these updates due to some regulatory reasons.
The device appears identical to the old version though the new version supports Bluetooth 2.4Ghz whereas on the old version it was 2.4Ghz Bluetooth low energy. All other things including Wi-Fi functionality are exactly similar i-e 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz Wi-Fi capabilities. The old Chromecast was approved with an FCC ID NC2-6A5 while this new device carries FCC ID NC2-6A5B, this “B” may be there to show Bluetooth support. When these second generation devices will be made available to stores are still unclear. Although one fact is clear that the old generation devices will not be getting the new features. Google is about to organize an I/O next week so for more detailed facts we have to rely on it.