Wear OS will now display UV Index

Wear OS by Google will now display UV Index for your location. Google is updating the weather app on WearOS that will tell you the UV Index of your location. This new update will let the users know the right time to go out of their houses for certain activities.

weather tile

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The team made an announcement on its official Twitter account today about the update of WearOS. The software development pace of WearOS is quite slow and steady since always. Google is now levelling up its game by bringing occasional updates for its users.

Importance of the UV Index info

Knowing the UV Index ranges in your area can help you determine the correct time to go for outdoor activities. For example, if you want to go out for a stroll or take your dog out for a walk. The UV Index suggests what to wear in case you have to go out when it’s time for the most dangerous ultraviolet rays. When you know of the weather conditions outside, you know what to wear. This is a minor update but is everything that your dermatologist and mother will approve of.

Google is gradually catalyzing the flow of updates for Wear OS recently which was not so active for years. The company seeks to put up the work of Fitbit with the new weather updates. The update comes in combination with Google Fit and will soon place Wear OS where it is lacking the most.

Related: Google rebranded its Android Wear platform as Wear OS


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