Around a couple of weeks ago, to be precise on 3rd of this April, netizens in India witnessed an order by the honorable Madras HC literally banning TikTok in the country. Quite obvious, for the folks who were tied to the TikTok so badly, the order should have been a hard hit. Nonetheless, it seems the HC has had a change of mind, with now lifting the ban imposed on the entertainment app.
All the fuss happened when the Indian Govt. found the TikTok to be a platform where a lot of awful, sexual, and illicit videos are being shared and streamed. Perhaps, it won’t be viable for us to list all the notoriety. In a nut shell, the Indian lawmakers found it to be too hot to handle and should be ripped out from the root. As its result, the HC requested Google and Apple to remove the app from their app stores.
Now, in an interesting turn of event, the Madras HC overturned its previous decision to ban the app from the popular app stores. It seems, TikTok has assured the Govt. that it’d take necessary measurements to curb the contents which are inappropriate and against ethics. We’ve to see how TikTok developers will be able to clean the platform, given the enormous amount of videos and contents.
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That being said, what’s your take on to the TikTok ban. Do you think, Govt. did the right thing by overturning the ruling? Do let us know down in the comments.