Telegram usually keeps itself updated with the latest features, stickers and enhancements that are required for social messaging these days. The company was using Phone-based verification only until now, but things are going to change as per the app developer and reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi who found similar functionality under App Settings.
#Telegram is working on the ability to protect your account by adding your email address 👀
ℹ️ Alternatively you can sign in with #Google
— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) September 1, 2022
The email addition seems to be a welcome move for the users, who don’t want to register their phone numbers with the app due to privacy concerns. Moreover, there’s also an option to connect your email using Google Account which may help the users to unlock additional functionality like Drive Backups, etc. It will act as a login credential for your telegram profile.
It is advantageous for Telegram users to use email as it will strengthen the overall security and will even pave way for new potential features. The app will reap benefits with email, and the same might be visible in the coming updates.
It is an interesting advancement in terms of security, flexibility and features (which we will see in future updates).
Related: Telegram Premium beta with exclusive stickers and reactions is live on iOS
Additonally, Telegram introduced its Premium plans to unlock additional features which are somewhat restricted on the free profile. It offers several advantages if you own channels or run the business through Telegram.